I had a very convoluted workflow to copy song ideas back to my Mac. I have been testing several voice memo apps. All were clunky and cumbersome to use to get stuff back to my computer without a lot of effort. I have had Say&Go for a long time but had not really gotten the time to poke around with it and learn what it had to offer.
Today on a whim I started fooling with it. My first thought was: This is not going to work with only 7 seconds of recording time. Then I figured out that you could increase the time by going to the settings. You can increase it to 15 seconds. Then I discovered in the instructions on the settings page you can swipe right to automatically increase the time to 60 seconds. Wow! Easy. That’s useable for me when i have short ideas I want to record.
Record. Tap a button and it’s off to DropBox. Excellent. I found my app finally. I didn’t even know there were other features for reminders as well. Nice!
Worth a look if you aren’t happy with what you have found. Very functional design. Extremely intuitive. Good looking app too.
Will write songs for food about Say&Go Voice Notes and Inbox